With a Paysera IBAN account, you can transfer money quickly and easily in many different currencies across the world. Transfers in Europe (SEPA) are FREE OF CHARGE for private clients!
And there is even more we can offer.
Fast International Transfers
- Instant euro transfers (SEPA INSTANT) – in real-time, 24/7, all year round. Both incoming and outgoing. Free for private clients, for businesses – 0,29 EUR.
- Fast international transfers around the world in 30 different currencies within 30 minutes.
- Transfers between Paysera users – within seconds by phone number or email address.
Favourable Currency Exchange Rates
- Paysera's virtual account is multicurrency, which means that you can keep money in several currencies at once.
- Currency exchange to 30 different currencies.
- Equivalent or even better currency exchange rates than offered by commercial banks.
- When exchanging large amounts, the system automatically applies a discount.
Contactless Payment Card
- Two-factor authentication keeps your money safe when making online purchases.
- The contactless payment card allows for quick payment at POS with NFC card readers.
- You can cash out at all ATMs accepting Visa cards.
- The card account is separated from the main account, which allows for simple control of your spending.
- The card can be conveniently ordered and managed via the mobile app.
Convenient Mobile App
- With the Paysera app all the main services – from transfers to currency exchange – at your fingertips. Better than just an online bank account!
- Notifications about incoming transfers in real-time.
- Manage your payment card: check the balance, transfer money, change limits, see a PIN code reminder, or even block the card, if needed
- Additional features to make your life easier: a separate account for savings, the 'split bill' feature, money requests, payments with QR codes, and more.
Business Account and Payment Solutions
- The Paysera business account can be opened online without filling out any papers, unlike other online bank accounts.
- The payment gateway service, Checkout, with integration of the most popular payment methods.
- Convenient business account management online and via the mobile app.
- The event ticketing system Paysera Tickets for selling tickets and publicising events.
It's as easy as pay.
Simply register and use it!
Forget high prices, slow transfers, and limited possibilities.
Enter a limitless world of payments with Paysera!